Convert Retron 5 GBA .SAV file to RetroArch .SRM?

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Convert Retron 5 GBA .SAV file to RetroArch .SRM?

Post by PowerKegGreg » July 29th, 2018, 2:11 pm

Hey Gang, Im new to the thread here but hopefully someone can assist me with this problem.

Ive literally exhausted all options.

Im trying to take my Dragon Ball Z - Legacy of Goku II .sav file from my Retron 5 and import into RetroArch. Ive used the converter that is posted in another thread here, watched the video on how to properly name it, Ive tried .srm format, .sav, .sgm and I get zero result for everything. I cant even get it to read on VisualBoyAdvance which is frustrating because I know Ive done this in the past with success. Importing the battery file doesnt work, I've changed save settings. Nothing. I have no clue if my emulator is out of date or if I have a wrong setting...

Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about this?

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