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Controller Issue with Retron 5

Posted: February 20th, 2015, 8:00 am
by ZForceFFC
I'm having an issue with my Retron 5 as of this morning. I'm going to repost the letter I sent to their support just in case anyone here has a solution as well.

The controls seem to have been altered somehow, Pressing Down + Start no longer opened the system menu like normal. Pressing select seemed to attempt to Load State (at this point in the game, I hadn't saved any states, so I just got a message saying "Failed to Load Snapshot or something to that effect) When I turned off the system and restarted it, I tried to go to the hotkeys menu to see if anything had gotten changed. The first time I did this it actually booted me back to the main menu. I tried going there again, and it worked, but I could not see any evidence that anything had changed. I tried another game to see if that was the issue and had the same problems. I've been running the 2.2 firmware since getting the system a month or so ago and have been using an SNES Asciipad for all the games, which up till this point has worked great. Are there any suggestions you have for why this happened or what I can do to make it work properly again?

Re: Controller Issue with Retron 5

Posted: February 20th, 2015, 4:51 pm
by ZForceFFC
I put in a regular SNES Controller and this seems to have fixed the issue